R.E Ambassadors
Our Year 5 and 6 children all take on an important 'R.E Ambassador' role in the life of our school. The 'pupil voice' in our school is very important, and we rely on these Ambassadors (working directly with Mrs Blake,) to lead the rest of the school in liturgy and teach others about important events in the liturgical year.
On his feast day, 31st January, they taught us about St John Bosco, an Italian priest famous for his work with children. They delivered bunches of daffodils to all the classes to celebrate St. David’s Day on 1st March and led us in a special prayer for the occasion.
We are looking forward to celebrating St Patrick’s Day on 17th March. The RE Ambassadors are organising a word search competition to win a book all about St Patrick.
(Aleksandra 6S, Theia 6S, Mario 6KW, Benjamin 6KW, Zion 6W, Khushi 6W, Alaina 5L, Hyab 5B, Alphons 5B, Joshlon 5B, Nikola 5O, David 5O)